It's Your Journey.
Start Here.
There's a growing number of people who work hard and don’t really see the fruits of their labor. I was one of those people. My husband and I were a double income household with no kids and felt like we had no money. It didn’t make sense. We talked to each other about our money, set financial goals together, but felt like we had nothing to show for it. We, like many other friends and young professionals, just chalked it up to being newbies in our career fields and figured we’d see financial growth over the years. But several years later, most of us all felt the same way. Again, we didn’t really see and feel the fruits of our labor. Once we figured out how to make our money do what WE needed, I felt led to help others to finally see the fruits of their labor as well. After doing our homework, we were able to pay off thousands of dollars of debt, begin saving for retirement outside of our workplace 401Ks, purchase our first home, start a yearly vacation fund, and finally feel financially comfortable enough to have two beautiful children.
It's time to start YOUR JOURNEY.